A word about our “advertisers”

Hey folks, just a quick heads up. To help offset the costs of hosting and recording costs, we decided (long ago) to use Google’s Adsense. Until the time that someone sees fit to support us financially, we have to use the internet’s tried and true method of ad marketing.

Unfortunately, Google’s adsense takes keywords from our website and links in advertisers automatically, without our consent. As you can imagine, one the largest ad supporters for WoW content is gold sellers.

To remove the ads, I have to manually add the website of each gold seller that advertises through google. As you can imagine, these grow and change every day. At present, I have over 30 blocked websites, but new ones come up every week and I simply don’t have enough time to police it on a daily or hourly basis.

I know that this can cause some confusion over our support (or LACK THEREOF) for gold buying and selling. In the case above, we’re asking you guys NOT to support us an to NOT click on the gold seller ads (confusing I know).

I’ll do my best to remove as many as possible. In the meantime, maybe they’ll start adding ads for things we can use.
