Welcome to The Starting Zone Podcast, The World of Warcraft Podcast for New and Experienced Players!
Spencer Downey and Jason Lucas sit down to talk the latest goings-on in and around the World of Warcraft!
Episode #289: October 2018 Live Call in Show! is ready for Download!
Questions we covered today!
- If you weren’t going to BlizzCon what would you be doing for Halloween?
- What do we want to be announced at BlizzCon vs what do we expect to be announced at BlizzCon.
- What pets do we have?
- With blizzcon coming up next week I wanted to ask what you look forward to at the show the most each year and if you could change/add one thing at the con what would it be? Also, what suggestions do you have for first timers, what rookie mistakes can be avoided?
- If you could design a new class for your respective roles (heals and tank), what niche would it excel at? For example, resto druids excel at sustained raid damage, blood dks excel at self heal…what would your dream class excel at?
- If you had to wear a costume to get into Blizzcon, what would you wear?
- Along the lines of Chubbed and JeffToo, what should virtual ticket holders prioritize? How can we best take advantage of the VT?
- While the new azerite traits I have seen do appear to be more interesting than gen 1, the addition of the new outer ring is really underwhelming to me. The way it works right now is that each ring has a theme: class, role, and defense. I recognize that adding a second class ring is an improvement, but also seems like they are lacking some imagination here.
What are your thoughts on Class Ring 2? Would you like to see those traits pulled from an entirely new pool, with Class Ring 1 pulling from the existing pool of traits? Alternatively, what if Class Ring 2 was randomized, while Class Ring 1 remains predetermined? Taking it a step further, what theme would you have chosen for a new trait ring? - Hey Guys, You’ve talked in the past how raiding is very expensive. I know I end up purchasing tokens instead of farming to offset the cost, because I would rather not spend my in game time farming. You’ve also talked about how the game has shifted away from the “Guild” culture. What do you think about changing guild achievements to provide benefits for guild activities like raiding. One idea I have is once X number of cauldrons are dropped in guild raids, flasks taken from a guild cauldron last for twice the duration. Would like to hear other ideas you may have in this realm.
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