Welcome to The Starting Zone Podcast, The World of Warcraft Podcast for New and Experienced Players!
Spencer Downey and Jason Lucas sit down to talk with our Patrons about what’s on their minds for the January Patron Q&A!
Episode #306: January Patron Q&A! is ready for Download!
What’s New this Week in World of Warcraft!
- How would Warcraft end? How do you think it should end?
- Since most people got some winter weather this week what are yalls favorite snow day activities? And if you could take one system/ activity back to vanilla from the current game what would it be?
- I consider myself a player struggling with “grass is always greener” syndrome; anytime I am playing one toon, I see another sparkly class from another player and work on gearing that one instead. And the cycle repeats. This severely inhibits my progress with my “main” (more realistically, “main three”) with reputation, heart levels, etc. What advice would you offer for those struggling to stick with the main toon they love so much yet easily put aside for other distractions?
- Jason, what is the best shield in the game? Spencer, which weapon do you wish Druids could use, and why is it Shields?
- There’s a lot of complaints across the Wow-o-sphere about the Alliance WM quest, do you think it would be more effective at getting people engaged in War Mode if it required them to complete a number of Emissaries in WM rather than just kill enemy players?
- With the latest World first race just 4 days 14 hours away from beginning, What can blizzard do to balance the issues that the war mode option brings? Limit Faction swapped to alliance to get the current war front cycle reward, and the alliance quest to kill 25 players for 400 ilvl gear. Understanding that World first is actually a small percentage of the population of the players of the game, with alliance being the only faction having had the benefits of playing warmode. Obviously I am a horde player, but I just feel like with the ability to shard in and out of certain heavily faction populated shards how can blizzard go about balancing war mode?
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