Episode #350: September Patron Q&A!

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Welcome to The Starting Zone Podcast, The World of Warcraft Podcast for New and Experienced Players!

Spencer Downey and Jason Lucas sit down to talk with our Patrons about what’s on their minds for the September Patron Q&A!

Episode #350: September Patron Q&A! is ready for Download!

  • Do we think they are going to cut BFA short?
  • How do we get interviews at BlizzCon and can we choose who we are going to interview?
  • What do we think about guilds being opened up to Cross-Realm, also what do you think about raids being opened up sooner?
  • Since I assume we’re either going to get WC3 or at least get a date at BlizzCon what is some advice for someone (me!) that never played it before?
  • I main a healer (currently resto shaman) but I’m deciding what to play next expansion. My guild often has tank troubles so what I would like to do is play a class where I can Main Heal and OS tank, I’m currently thinking of pally but what are your guys’ suggestions for classes that can do this and why?
  • Buddy of mine and myself were arguing why blizzard released classic. My buddy thinks blizzard released classic to revive wow and basically keep it afloat in the event blizzard comes out with another failing expansion (in his opinion) he thinks they will also probably need to re-release a few fan favorite expansions to keep players coming back and subbing to and playing the game. I think he’s totally wrong, i think they released it for the sole purpose that the community asked long enough and blizzard simply delivered. In my opinion, with or without classic people will sub and play the game if they want to, regardless if there is an earlier expansion like classic that they can also play if they get bored of WoW now. I am curious on your thoughts about that, and also curious a little bit of what you think blizzard will do in regards to re-releasing older expansions or patches and how do you think they’ll approach that conversation if and when more people start asking. (Obviously years later but just an idea)
  • I recently started a new account on a different region and I have noticed what a new player of the game actually needs to get through with their character to get going in the expansion. Stuff that a experienced players just take for granted today can probably cause headaches for a new player to the game. The need to get to friendly of each faction while leveling to get world quests unlocked isn’t communicated before you even start leveling. So if you have not quested in all zones you need to do questing even after reaching max level to unlock wqs. An experienced player knows that flying is a thing but it isn’t really communicated anywhere in game for new players. The difficulty to handle outdoor content with absolutely no gear is a daunting experience. Benthic is a thing but to even survive the outdoor content in Nazjatar to get the pearls is really hard to do with level up gear. What would you guys think blizzard should do in the future to make the experience more accessible for new players. Do we really need to have to go to 3rd party sites to figure out how the game works?
  • Would you rather: New classes OR new class specs? ie; there are “rumors/spoilers” about a new tinker class, but perhaps additional specializations for a few classes. like a RDPS DK, A Warlock Tank spec, or even a rogue healer). I Don’t think it would be ideal to add a new spec to every class, but the ideology behind theory crafting it can be fun.
  • Spencer it is kind of hard for you to answer this as you play a druid who can do it all as a druid so Jason, if you could have one new specialization for your 15 year main, what would that be like?


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