Welcome to The Starting Zone Podcast, The World of Warcraft Podcast for New and Experienced Players!
Spencer Downey and Jason Lucas sit down to talk with our Patrons about what’s on their minds for the January 2020 Patron Q&A!
Episode #371: January Patron Q&A! is ready for Download!
- I have been working on the 8.3 content and I find Horrific Visions very confusing. It has taken me a bit to figure out what you are supposed to do to level your cloak and I have only figured that out because I have found help from others. Even listening to your show, that has a lot of helpful information, I did not know that when you get to level 5 on your cloak that you do NOT have to kill the main boss in the vision and that you only have to clear half of the vision to level your cloak (at least that is my understanding haven’t done it yet). I can’t believe I am the only person having trouble with this. My question is, does Blizz make these things too complicated for the average person? I do not wish to spend my precious game time looking for answers on the internet. It is one reason I listen to you guys so I can get information in the car. I belong to a guild and have run the new raid once, so I do have a support group. For those that don’t I can’t imagine what they are going through. I always feel Blizz caters to the upper most group of players. I listen to the two of you and I know I am not on your level and I think I am doing better than most. What does a new player coming into the game think? One last comment, I like time gating. I think people rush through the game too much and if Blizz has to protect them from themselves I don’t have a problem with it. I get upset when people say they have nothing to do. I always have something to do.
- Hey fellas a 2 parter for you. What are your thoughts on the 2 revamped zones and the way they decided to rotate the active zone within the zone each week (bugs and spawns aside). And for Spencer….. how would you approach getting your Raid Leader to funnel all the gear to his not so cleverly named boomkin?
- Good evening guys, my question is: what is your first impression of Corrupted gear compared to Benthic, and how would you feel if in Shadowlands instead of WF/TF we had unique seasonal gear traits that reflected the content of each patch?
- What are the first things I should do on my fresh korraks Revenge alt? I’m talking still in all heirlooms? Gotta do war campaign? Straight to Naz questline to upgrade neck? Or can I skip to 8.3 questchain now?
- Have you guys gotten into M+ with the new affix? What are your first impressions, and can you offer any tips?
- Spencer: What is your neck level ( be honest) and what is your pace via your routine this current season? Jason: As a Damage dealer myself, the fancy boosts are incentives to chase after the new corruption gear. As a main tank ( and again this is only your first impression) how does corruption gear feel as a main tank?
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