Episode #397: June Patron Q&A!

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Welcome to The Starting Zone Podcast, The World of Warcraft Podcast for New and Experienced Players!

Spencer Downey and Jason Lucas sit down to talk with our Patrons about what’s on their minds for the June 2020 Patron Q&A!e

Episode #397: June Patron Q&A! is ready for Download!
  • My question for the call in show: Can you say something nice about Holy Priests without any caveats? As a holy priest main of many years, I’ve grown tired of hearing how great all the other healing specs are. Thanks! Love the show!
  • Hey guys! Just a question on the lighter side for you now: Have you considered main’ing something else for Shadowlands now that you have tried out Alpha for a few weeks and most classes are getting an overhaul of sorts? And if not; any class that stands out as more fun than others for you?eeeeeee Keep up the great work!
  • What haven’t you liked about your main spec in alpha?
  • So here’s one for ya. I have hated corrupted gear and the entire system around it more than pretty much anything ever in the history of the game. What are your guys pros and cons of it? Thanks in advance.
  • Now that we have finished up the raids in BFA what was your favorite raid and favorite/least favorite of both?
  • Finding the best gear to put your corruptions on, what is the process you use to find the best pieces to put corruption on?
  • Our raid team is part of a larger community, we decided to split off, what are some tips you guys have for this new team?
  • I’d hoped to be able to get my question in voice, but it doesn’t look like I will have time before i have to join my wife for supper. So here it is in chat.. I have been in a Heroic Progression raiding team for 5 years. We were always within a boss or two of Jason’s raid team. Always getting AOTC and a few bosses into mythic before the next raid tier released. It was a hard decision but had to retire two months ago. The daily grind of the Vale, Uldum, horrific visions, mythic dungeons for better gear, etc, etc. was taking too many of my waking hours. How do you two not get burned out with all the time you devote to the hobby as well as full time jobs and family?

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