Our 100th Episode is nearly upon us! That’s right! We have done 100 Episodes of this crazy show!To celebrate we are going to do a bit of reflection, a bit of Warcraft Discussion, maybe some folks might pop in to say Hello! We are going to record EP 100 on January 12th, 2015 @ 9pm on out Twitch Channel!
Most of all we just want to say Thank You! Jesse and I have been working on The Starting Zone for almost six years, and to even say that is just crazy. We have had our ups and we have had our downs like any world of warcraft podcast. But a lot of you have stuck with us through thick and thin!
Episode 100 is our thank you to you! So, we’re going to be giving away some pretty awesome prizes. In fact some would say we are giving away an INSANE amount of Prizes!
We will give away some prizes to folks, who join us live in the Chat Room! And those prizes will be a JINX Hoodie of your choice provided by Jinx.com! That’s right, we will at two different points, give away a JINX Hoodie to a lucky listener who attends our Live Show!
Second, we have two Prize Bundles we are giving away and a Grand Prize Bundle that we are giving away away!
The first Prize Bundle is a JINX Hoodie of your choice as well as a Warlord’s of Draenor Take a Stand T-Shirt! To enter to win, simply send us a tweet, our twitter handle is ‘thestartingzone’ or you can follow us at twitter.com/thestartingzone and tell us your FAVORITE BOSS ever for World of Warcraft in any Dungeon or Raid and include the Hash Tag #TSZ100! We will announce the winner on Episode 100 of The Starting Zone, so download the podcast or watch the VOD when we post it on YouTube to find out if you won!
Our Second Prize Bundle is a JINX Hoodie of your Choice as well as a Warlords of Draenor Take a Stand T-Shirt! To enter to win this give away, simply Subscribe and Leave a comment on this VERY Video here on our YouTube Channel, and let us know our FAVORITE NOSS ever for an World of Warcraft in an Dungeon or Raid, no need to include a Hash Tag! Remember, you have to be a subscriber to our channel and you have to leave a comment! We will announce the winner on Episode 100 of The Starting Zone, so download the podcast or watch the VOD when we post it on YouTube to find out if you won!
Last but Certainly not least! Our Grand Prize Contest! You guys ready for this? You will receive a Jinx.com Hoodie of your choice, a Warlords of Draenor POSTER, mounted on foam core and fit for framing! AND you will receive an autographed Warlords of Draenor Box Game with the signatures of all the Key Developers who worked so hard to bring you Warlords of Draenor! Don’t believe me, well here it is, in my hand! That’s right, an amazing Prize!
Simply Pick up the Phone and call us at (323) 389-5123 and answer this very simple question! What was the very first Class we ever covered on The Starting Zone! We have covered classes in the past, but what was the first class we ever covered?!? Once again, the winner will be announced on Episode 100 of TSZ! So, download that episode or watch the VOD when it hits our YouTube Channel!
Okay folks, once again, special thanks to JINX.com for bucking up and providing some awesome prizes! We want to remind you that if you buy any order under $120.00 at Jinx.com you will receive a 15% discount when you use the promo code SPAZBOT!
Also, we don’t want to forget Dog House Systems! They make awesome PC Games, use the Promo Code startingzone at check out and receive double the memory on next Dog House System! Visit them today at doghousesystems.com!
Hey folks, thanks for watching this little video, and we hope you will join us for our 100th Episode of The Starting Zone on January 12th at 9pm PDT, come join us live at twitch.tv/spazbotstudios!