Well, for old times sake, I lead a RAID through NAXX last night, and it was great to see some NEW PLAYERS tackle a 10 Man Raid for the first time. We forget that not many new players get a shot at a RAID leveling 1 – 60 and surprisingly it doesn’t happen very often either 60 – 80 despite the BC content available. So, some of us more experienced RAIDERS ventured in and did the Safety Dance and kited some slimes. A good time was had by all.
It’s amazing to think that with 3.3 upon us NAXX feels even less significant that it did as Ulduar and Trail of the Crusader were unleashed upon the WoW masses. However, despite the fact it’s not the prime END GAME RAID anymore, NAXX offers some excellent fights for players to learn more about their class and their play as a RAIDER.
I am beginning to understand the “It past me by” feeling the casual player or raider experiences with END GAME content. While, I’ve don a full 10 man clear of NAXX and made progress on Ulduar and TOC 10, I haven’t done a full clear, let alone much work in the world fo 25 Man Raids on any of the content outside Ony and VOA. Now with a whole new epic END GAME RAID in Citadel looming. I’m wondering if players will ever take on such a difficult fight like Yogg Saron. Makes you think. This game really does age fast. While it does a wonderful job staying fresh, that content just kind of sits there, once it isn’t new and shiny anymore. I guess that’s why their blowing it up for Cataclysm.