It’s true. My Paladin main has taken a back seat as of late to my Druid. I have been blowing this guy up through the LFG as a healer, and now I am close to crossing the 80 thresh hold. This means of course that I’m somewhat debating whether or not I should continue through Hyjal or just start doing LFG through the Cataclysm Dungeons. When I leveled my main, I never did any dungeons due to how bad the PUGS were. Most of my guild seemed content to level traditionally and there was not a whole lot of grouping going on during my usual evening play time. Now, after a few months that has changed. Blizzard opened up the LFG to a point that you can now sign up for dungeons you have not physically visited. And, I’ve ran the dungeons and I am familiar with the fights. So, now, I’m debating my approach.
Has anyone had any experience LFGing their toon from 80 – 85? Do share you experiences.