The story behind our disappearance…

To all of our loyal listeners, we apologize for what has turned into a much larger break than anticipated. Needless to say, another perfect storm of events…first, our mage show was cancelled on two occasions due to scheduling issues. Then, the night before we were scheduled to finally record Episode# 28 (the mage show), 4.0.1 drops and changes EVERYTHING.

We decided to push the show, since most of our notes were suddenly no longer valid. At the same time, we realized that a huge portion of our class series was now completely out of date, including our most recent Death Knight show.

We’re currently writing up show notes to revamp our class series so that they apply to Patch 4.0 and beyond.

In the meantime, we’re recording a PRE-CATACLYSM LAUNCH survival guide this week…so stay tuned.

Thanks again for your patience.